Hey Check our new video. Big props to Matthew Young for directing/editing and Danny Tap for collecting the footage with his drone!
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. https://famousbluepill.com/testimonials.html.Stretching and Flexibility by f00k A lot of people ask me about my flexibility and how I am able to do moves that require a lot of flexibility with my legs. I myself, don’t believe I’m that flexible (BJ Penn and Eddie Bravo are flexible), but back when I […]
Stretching Yourself –fresh from f00k I was going to do this post the week of the US Open XV, but since we are on the subject, I guess I’ll throw in my “non” cents. I believe everyone is capable of being successful. Though some may have to work harder than […]
The Path by Meaty One more metaphor from Meaty… Jiu-Jitsu training can often times feel like a trek up an impassable, long, steep, slippery, and muddy path up a mountain, height unknown. Sometimes you get lost on side paths that lead nowhere or just take you in circles. There are times […]
There’s a technique… for EVERYTHING! -fresh from f00k In the world of the f00kster, I believe there’s a technique for everything you do in life. Everything from sports we play to walking, talking, teaching, cooking, all the way to stuff like farting. Yes, there’s a technique farting. Dan the Man […]
There is no spoon. by Meaty Are you feeling completely gassed after rolling for just 5 minutes? Well then just breathe. Yeah it sounds simple but it’s definitely easier said than done especially when your adrenalin is pumping, your opponent has your back, his hooks in, and you are desperately […]